Buzzing Alternatives for Dry January: A Guide to THC-Infused Beverages

Dry January is almost over but it’s never too late to make the transition away from alcohol. This is something I’ve been considering for quite sometime now and I appreciate so many brands noticing this recent trend. There is an inflection point on the horizon where cannabis consumption will succeed alcohol.

Personally, this is a trend I am both paying close attention and can appreciate for a number of reasons. Long gone are the days of hangovers and those feelings of ongoing nausea that makes you regret the decisions you made from the night before. Now, I’m not saying that consuming alcohol is all bad, I can see a world where for big celebrations and huge milestones where I enjoy a toast but my go-to will forever be cannabis.

So if you’re like me and looking for some drink options that are infused to provide you with not only pain relief but a buzzing good time then we got you covered. Below are a few of my favorite THC-Infused Beverages: (these products and more can be found at Grasshopper Club in Chicago, IL)

Zero Proof - THC Fast Acting Drink Mixes

 Zero Proof - Squeeze: These easy to dose pocket sized THC drink enhancers are perfect for any occasion, party, or vibe with a 2.5 mg dose of THC in each serving.

Just Squeeze for a precise dosage, put it into your favorite beverage and enjoy the mellow feeling of micro-dosing. Discreet and convenient! 100mg THC per bottle.

CQ Classic Sodas - Cannabis Quenchers

Each can is 12 ounces and is available in either 10 mg THC or 100 mg THC. Great alone or as a mocktail ingredient. These sodas are made with all-natural cane sugar.

CQ -
Ginger Ale: This dry-style classic soda features a mild ginger bite and creamy caramel notes. Just like the original, this soda is caffeine-free. 

CQ -
Classic Cola: You can’t go wrong with a fun, fizzy classic cola! This THC drink does have a bit of caffeine added.

Spring Lake Surp - THC Infused Simple Syrups 

Spring Lake Surp is a concentrated cannabis infusion created to mix into your favorite drink or edible recipe. These infused simple syrups are perfect for DIY drinks or sweet, edible recipes. 100 mg flavored bottles are available in Indica and Sativa.

Spiced Apple Cider Surp, Peach Champagne Surp, and Mango Strawberry Surp are some of their popular flavors. And French Vanilla Surp is the perfect for recipes all year round, especially your morning coffee!

Keep in mind this is not a comprehensive guide and options can/will differ by market. And if you really want to see a market that’s leading this wave, check out my post “The THC Beverage Craze and How Minnesota is Leading the Trend”. I hope you found this helpful and feel encouraged to try some buzzing alternatives that will provide a great experience for Dry January and after.

Cheers! 🥂


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